Clients who wish to remove rental dates from the booking experience can apply the following code to their account: .p-details-datetimerange { display: none; } .cart-datepicker { display: none; } .orderdetails-datepicker { display: none; } .rm-rental-startdate { display: none; } To apply the CSS, visit Website Settings > […]
Some clients use RentMy to track the location of inventory but are not concerned with managing the start & end date of rentals. To address this situation, we offer a “Basic” pricing option, which charges for an indefinite rental. Due to the features of this pricing controller, RentMy does not track (or predict) when a […]
To update the order (sequence) in which your products are displayed on your website, follow these steps: Step 1. Visit the Inventory > List menu and choose a product by clicking on the product’s name Step 2. The default first tab is the Description tab. On this tab, update the Sequence No. field with the […]