Smarter Event Rental Software – RentMy

February 6th, 2019 by

Smarter Event Rental Software - RentMy Rental Management

You need smarter event rental software - RentMy Rental Management. We get it – logging into your online event rental software account isn’t (always) your top priority. That’s why RentMy’s newest feature, easy calendar integration, means you’re never more than a tap away from seeing all of your future rentals.  Busy rental business owners know our new calendar plug-in makes finding, viewing and delivering to your next customers easier than ever.  No matter which calendar you use, RentMy supports it.  Best of all, this feature works whether your customers book online or you add an order for them. 

We take care of the administrative details (like giving online rental quotes, booking rentals, reminding customers of upcoming rentals, and more).  Truly, RentMy is the back-office assistant you’ve always wanted.

Brick-and-mortar and home-based rental businesses alike love how RentMy’s enterprise-grade software manages customers and reservations, tracks payments, and optimizes delivery routes.  And, we’re adding even more integrations in the future to make running and growing your business easier than ever.

RentMy - Now is the Time

Now is a great time to put your rental company into high gear with easy online rental software. Your customers will love how easy it is to rent from you. And you’ll love never having to play phone tag again.

If you want to do more business, serve more customers and grow you business, then online rental software may be the boost you’re looking for.

Our rental experts are here to help you get started, so call, email, text, Facebook, Tweet or smoke-signal us when you’re ready; or go at your own speed by just clicking here.  We look forward to serving you!


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