Bulk Import Products

November 26th, 2019 by

Navigation: Manage Inventory > Choose the “Tools” button > select “Import Inventory”

The RentMy bulk import tool makes it easy to add dozens or thousands of products easy and quick.  This article will help you through the process.  

The RentMy inventory import tool makes it easy to add hundreds or thousands of products to your account.  


Click on the Settings menu and then choose the Locations link. Name the default location anything you like. Use this name in the Locations column of the import file in Step 2.   

If you plan to group your products into categories, before using the import file, create your categories by visiting the Settings > Categories link.  When each category is created, a unique numeric ID is assigned.  

Use this number in your import sheet.  You can add multiple IDs to each product (in the event you want to add a product to more than one category).

First time importing products

Download the import sheet from the Manage Inventory page by clicking on the “Tools” button and selecting “Import Inventory”.

Populate the import file:

  1. Download the sample file and populate only the Products tab.  DO NOT DELETE OTHER TABS; YOU WILL USE THEM LATER.
  2. Leave the first two columns (the Product and Variant ID) fields blank (RentMy will assign those for you).
  3. Add information product name, description, manufacturer, quantity and other fields. If you created Categories,  enter those IDs and separate them by commas.
  4. Leave the Price, Assets and Images tabs blank. 

Once you're happy with your inventory sheet, save and close the file. Re-import the file to RentMy by choosing the file you created and click the upload button.

Once the inventory has been added, you will get a confirmation message.

To add prices to products, export your inventory using the Tools > Export Inventory option.

Each product in your inventory export now has a unique ID assigned.  

Populate Product Prices, Assets and Images:

  1. Visit the price tab of the exported file to add pricing for your items.
  2. In the “type” column, add “buy” or “rent” as the pricing option.  “Buy” is used for products available for sale. “Rent” is used for products for rent.
  3. Rental products must be populated with the interval (hourly, daily, weekly or monthly), along with the number of the selected period and the price for that period.  If you want to add multiple rental options, copy the product’s row (preserving its and add unique pricing for each row.
    1. For example, a $10/hour rental would be added as: type = Rental, Hourly in the term column and 10 in the price column.  
  4. Click the Update Price tab in the import page
  5. Re-import the complete file with products and prices by clicking the Update Price tab and use this controller to select the file you we created and click the upload button,  When you visit the Manage Inventory screen and choose, List you’ll see you've got products and prices for each.

6. You can update any aspect of your products by repeating the export-and-re-import process.

Field Formats:

Product ID: Should be empty for new products

Variant Product ID: Should be empty for new products

Product Name: Valid Unique Product name

Location Name: Valid Location names. This names should match exactly with system existing location(s). Invalid Location name will not import for that product.

Variants Variant Options names: Comma separated [,] for multiple names. e.g - Color,Size. Keep empty for empty variant.

Variant Values: Variant names. Comma separated [,] for multiple names. e.g - Color,Size. Keep empty for empty variant.

Barcode Product / Variants Barcode:

Quantity Product/Variant; quantity for untraced items (like bulk items). If you track individual products (like unique serial numbers, for example), leave this field blank. Instead, use "Assets" to track individual items. RentMy counts the Tracked items quantity calculated from total assets.

Keyword: Comma separated keyword names

Description: Product Description

Supplier Name: Individual Supplier name for any product.

Supply ID Suppler Product Identification Number

Deposit Amount: enter numeric value (without currency symbol)

Sales Tax: Product Sales tax (in percentage e.g 8.5) without the % symbol

Tag: Tag names ( for multiple tags add comma separated names e.g Accessories, Cloths). Tags serve as filter options (for example, if you want to your customers to filter by manufacturer, you could add the Manufacturer name of the product as a tag).

Weight: Item weight (used for shipping)

Weight Unit: Item weight unit. Valid values are : pound / kilogram / ounce

Category ID: First, create categories in RentMy to establish unique IDs (watch the video). Add these IDs to products and separate with a comma.